All children are different, but there are some developmental milestones for speech and language that you should expect your child to hit at target ages.
Age 1:
✓imitates multiple different speech sounds
✓understands some words for common items
✓participates in back-and-forth games (think peek-a-boo)
✓uses groups of sounds to babble
✓uses gestures
Age 2:
✓is understood at least 50% of the time
✓puts two words together
✓points to pictures in books
✓learns new words often
✓uses many different consonant sounds
Age 3:
✓can make the sounds P, B, M, N, H, W, T
✓uses 2-3 word phrases
✓labels items
✓uses a combination of words to get or direct attention
✓responds to name
Age 4:
✓can make the sound G, K, F, D
✓answers simple wh- questions
✓talks about his/her day
✓uses 4+ word sentences
✓speaks easily
Age 5:
✓can make the sounds NG, L, Y
✓pays attention to short stories
✓understands most of what is said
✓uses sentences with many details
Age 6:
✓can make the sounds SH, CH, Y, J
✓has few grammar errors
✓can rhyme
✓knows letters and numbers
✓communicates easily
Age 7:
✓can make the sounds R, V, Z, S, voiced and voiceless TH, S clusters, R clusters, and L clusters